Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Spent the afternoon dirtying my fingers with dried liver of sulfur residue. At least the stink's gone. If you know what I'm talking about, then you really know what I'm talking about. P U. I think it's worth it though. I made some patinaed copper coils to cover some large jump rings. If I had higher gauge in my wire stash, the task would have been completed a lot more quickly, but I always reorder heavy gauges because they make me feel mighty. "Do I need 10 gauge?"asks the imaginary wire maker. Bring it! I can work 10! Okay, I really can't work 10, well maybe "won't" is a better word choice. After all, I am not a Viking.

And then finished a pendant I had been constructing in my head for weeks now. But I finished it in the material world today and although some will think it's ugly, I know the hours I spent with vinegar and sea salt for that elusive blue patina. So I love the piece. It will be added to my growing Chopard line.

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